Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dear Gracie

Dear Gracie,

I will be writing to you every few days so that we can look back and remember little daily cute things and more memorable milestones about you. I hope that one day when you read these, you'll know just how much your daddy and I love you.

Right now you are a little over 11 months old, I cannot believe that almost a year has gone by since the day you were born, this year has been incredibly wonderful and hard since you and your big brother are so close in age. Noah was not even 18 months old when you were born. It took him three days to warm up to you, but ever since then, you have been the first thing he asks for when he wakes up in the morning. He loves you so much!

You have four teeth so far, the top two have just recently come in, they're a little gapped so your smile looks absolutely adorable (your daddy always says, "there's just something about her smile, it's soooo pretty!")! You are big for your age, ever since you were about 3 months old, you have been in the 75%-95% for weight and height, just like your brother.

You have just started clapping and waving (you wave backwards to your self:)), you crawl all over the place, pull to standing, and "cruise" along the furniture. Noah waited until 15 months old to walk, I'm wondering if you'll take after him.

Your favorite foods are beans, "taco rice" (taco meat, rice, beans, guacamole, lettuce, and tomato all mixed together), crackers, cheerios, and breast milk. You are still nursing any chance you can get, I thought you were trying to wean yourself about a month ago, but it turns out you were just teething.

When I first found out I was pregnant with you, I was so afraid that I couldn't love any baby as much as I love your brother, but the moment you were born, when I held you for the first time and first heard your sweet soft cry, I knew that my fears were unfounded. It felt like my heart actually grew more capacity to love, it suddenly grew bigger and you filled that extra space. I love you SO much, Every. Single. Bit. as much as I love Noah. There will be times when I need to spend a little extra time with your brother, or show him a little extra attention and affection, but I pray that you know in your heart it's not because I love him more, but it's because at that moment, he needs me. I will do the same for you too, I promise.

I love you my sweet baby girl!


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